
戏剧影视表演2+2/3 影视制作2+2/3



Focusing on knowledge of core tasks of different departments during the process of film TV production, the program aims to develop application ability of audio visual techniques of students, with practice-based teaching as the core method. Well-designed class activities will develop students’ films TV programs creation ability teamwork skills, build a solid foundation for them to study overseas create more major choices.





Preparation courses are pided into three modules: English language, subject courses, the extended module.


● English language is mainly for English language training to develop living communication skills of students.

●学术模块主要以电影艺术专业课程以及专业基础课程为主,包括影片分析及视听语言、剧本创作(I、II)、表演元素及表演技巧、电影摄影基础和照明技巧、数字媒体软件、造型艺术构思(视觉传达)、世界电影史及中外美术史、同期拾音基础,配音、制片管理、数字短片创作 。帮助学生提高专业知识,顺利过渡国外低年级的学习课程;

● Subject course is mainly for subject courses foundations course of film, including critical film studies audio visual language, screenwriting (I & II), actor’s craft, film camera lighting, film digital editing, film photographic Language (visual production design), history of film art, synchronous sound recording, dubbing, film production management digital video camera. All of these courses will enhance professional knowledge of students help them accommodate to overseas junior courses.


●The extended module, featuring guidance on progression to foreign universities, will help students choose universities majors organize orientation programs. Experts professors of foreign universities will deliver lectures on BFA campus to help students understmore about study abroad.


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